On Tuesday 3rd November the Minister for Education and Skills Jan O’Sullivan TD launched The Bar of Ireland’s Transition Year programme 2015 – 2016, encouraging students from the around the country, and from all backgrounds, to consider a career at The Bar. Speaking at the launch, Jan O’Sullivan TD made reference to the continuous improvement ethos employed by The Bar of Ireland in order to create an enhanced offering around the TY Programme:
“The Bar of Ireland is to be commended for the dedication and foresight it has shown in relation to its Transition Year Programme. In common with the best organisations it has sought to continually improve and enhance its offer to students. The Bar of Ireland has listened to the voice of previous participants and that important process has contributed to the excellent stimulating programme that we are launching here this evening.”
David Somerville, a senior cycle student from St Paul’s CBS, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7 – a DEIS school neighbouring The Bar of Ireland – participated in the first year of the Programme last year, and spoke about his positive experience of the Programme at the launch.
David was joined at the launch by his teacher, Valerie Roe, who commended The Bar of Ireland for reserving a fifth of the places on the Programme to students from DEIS schools.
More than 25 barristers are involved in the running of the Programme, including the Chairman of the Council of The Bar of Ireland David Barniville SC. Sara Moorhead SC is the Programme Coordinator. Schools are asked to submit details of the winners of their individual essay competitions to The Bar of Ireland before Wednesday December 16th.
For further information see: http://www.lawlibrary.ie/SpecialPages/Transition-Year-Programme.aspx