Supporting Professional Women

01 June 2017

Today The Bar of Ireland and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) hosted a conference for female barristers and doctors exploring the concept ‘Definitions of Success’, and examining how success has traditionally been viewed and what it will mean in the future. This was an important event for both organisations given the issues identified for female doctors and barristers in surveys undertaken by both organisations in the last 12months to ascertain the challenges facing their respective female members.

Keynote speaker at the Conference was RTE’s Miriam O’Callaghan, and RT. legal correspondent Orla O’Donnell chaired an engaging panel discussion with contributions from Marguerite Bolger SC, Mary Rose Gearty SC, Oonah McCrann SC, Dr Ann Hogan, IMO President, and Dr Ailin Rogers, Surgical Specialist Registrar and Lead NCHD, Beaumont Hospital. Dr Deborah McNamara, Consultant Surgeon, Beaumont Hospital, also made a presentation on training the next generation of surgeons.