Proinsias Ó Maolchalain BL

  • Junior Counsel: 2001

B Comm

Areas of Practice:
  • General Practice
  • Conveyancing & Property Law
  • Environmental Law
  • European Law
  • Landlord & Tenant & Equity Law
  • Planning & Local Government Law
Proinsias Ó Maolchalain BL

Other Memberships:
Cumann Barra na Gaeilge
Irish Centre for European Law
Irish Society for European Law
Planning, Environmental & Local Government Bar Association
Other Languages:
Irish (Fluent)
Italian (Working)
Direct Professional Access:

Proinsias practices primarily in the area of administrative law, local government law, planning and development law and rating and valuation law.  He acts on behalf of commercial and semi-state companies, local authorities and private individuals, appearing before every level of the Irish Courts and before various tribunals such as An Bord Pleanála and the Valuation Tribunal.

Proinsias has a long-standing interest in European Union law and has acted in planning, data protection, immigration, and extradition cases with significant European Union law elements.



Glann Mór Céibh Teoranta agus eile v. An tAire Tithíochta, Pleanáil agus Rialtas Áitiúil agus eile [2022] IESC 40

Coillte Teoranta v. Commissioner of Valuation [2022] IEHC 588

Breanagh Catering Limited v. Commissioner of Valuation [2021] IEHC 663

 Commissioner of Valuation v. Hibernian Wind Power Limited [2021] IEHC 49

Commissioner of Valuation v. Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport Ltd [2016] 2 I.R. 385

B(K) v. District Judge Kennedy [2015] IEHC 745

Minister for Justice v. T.E.  [2013] IEHC 323

Nowak v. Data Protection Commissioner [2012] IEHC 449

Raducan v. Minister for Justice [2012] 1 I.L.R.M. 419

Izmailovic v. Commissioner of An Garda Síochána [2011] 2 I.R. 522

Ó Gribín v. An Chomhairle Mhúinteoireachta [2008] 3 I.R. 266

Cumann Barra na Gaeilge CPD – presentation on the duty to give reasons

Founder member – Ionad Saor Comhairle Dlí (2005 – present)

This is a free legal advice service that operates through Irish,  in partnership with the Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) and Conradh na Gaeilge.

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This form is made available to solicitors & in-house counsel for professional purposes only, and to members of Approved Bodies for the purposes of Direct Professional Access


01-817 5563
An Leabharlann Dlí Foirgneamh na Drioglainne 145-151 Sráid an tSean Teampaill Baile Átha Cliath 7 Baile Átha Cliath
@Proinsias Ó Maolchalain

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