Mark A Byrne BL

  • Junior Counsel: 2003

LL.B. (Dubl.), Ph.D. (Dubl.)

Areas of Practice:
  • General Practice
Mark A Byrne BL

Bar of England & Wales
Direct Professional Access:

Mark was called to the Bar of Ireland in 2003 and to the Bar of England & Wales in 2013. 

He holds the following Part-time/Fee-paid appointments: 

  • Academic Coordinator, Criminal Practice Course, Barrister-at-Law Degree, King’s Inns (2009 – Present) 
  • Tribunal Member, International Protection Appeals Tribunal, Ireland (2014 – Present) 
  • Fee-paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), United Kingdom, assigned to Glasgow (2021 – Present) 
  • Fee-paid Judge of the Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), assigned to London East (2021 – Present) 
  • Tribunal Member (Legal Chairperson), Mental Health Tribunals, Ireland (2023 – Present) 

Bar Review, Issue 1, Volume 17 (2012), The Criminal Justice Act 2011: A Boon to Investigators, pages 14 – 21. 

2012-1.pdf ( 

Bar Review, Issue 5, Volume 17 (2012), Striking Out a Finding of Guilt: A Broader View of the District Court’s Jurisdiction, pages 98 – 101. 

2012-5.pdf ( 

Dublin University Law Journal, Issue 1, Volume 39 (2016), Corporate and White-Collar Crime in Ireland: A New Architecture of Regulatory Enforcement (Book Review). 

Dublin University Law Journal (DULJ) Vol 39(2) 

European Union Agency for Asylum, Judicial Analysis on Evidence and Credibility Analysis in the Context of the Common European Asylum System, Second Edition, 2023. 

Evidence and Credibility Assessment in the Context of the Common European Asylum System, Judicial analysis, Second edition ( 

As a consultant for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Mark has delivered presentations on aspects of international criminal law at workshops for national government agencies, as follows: 

  • Islamabad (2012) 
  • Sana’a (2014) 
  • Hyderabad (2014) 
  • Abuja (2017) 

Having been added to the pool of judicial trainers of the European Union Agency for Asylum in 2018, Mark has co-delivered (with one other judicial trainer) presentations on aspects of the Common European Asylum System at workshops for immigration judges, as follows: 

  • Valletta (2018) 
  • Durres (2018) 
  • Valletta (2019) 
  • Nicosia (2023) 

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