James Buckley BL

  • Junior Counsel: 2007

B.A. (T.C.D), MFI Accredited Mediator.

Areas of Practice:
  • Judicial Review
  • Immigration & Asylum Law
  • Mediation
James Buckley BL
Accrediting Body: Mediation Forum Ireland

Direct Professional Access:

James was called to The Bar of Ireland in the first call of July 2007.

He predominantly practices in the areas of International Protection, Immigration, and Citizenship (together with related areas including the law on passports and employment permits), where he has acted in cases heard in the High Court, the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, and the European Court of Justice.

He held various roles as a part-time member of the academic staff of Griffith College, Dublin, between 2009 and 2021, and has lectured in various subjects on the following courses: LL.B. (Hons) (Part-Time & Full-Time courses); Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice; FE1 Preparation Course (Law Society of Ireland Entrance Exam); and King’s Inns Entrance Preparation Course.

“The 2010 Act and Post-Nullity Ancillary Reliefs: Lacunae and Inconsistencies in the Law: Has the 2010 Act Disincentivised Marriage for Dependent Partners?” James Buckley B.L., (2014) 2 IFLJ 20 (Hillary Issue)

European Court of Justice

Case C-616/19, M.S. v. Minister for Justice and Equality (Court of Justice of the European Union, Judgment of the Court (First Chamber), 10th December, 2020, ECLI:EU:C:2020:1010)


Supreme Court

EM v The Minister for Justice and Equality [2023] IESC 3

MK (Albania) v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2022] IESC 48

BS & RS v. The Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Ors. [2019] IESC 32

E. v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2018] IESC 20; [2018] 3 IR 317


Court of Appeal

M.M. v.The International Protection Appeals Tribunal & anor [2023] IECA 290

Mascarenhas v. The Minister for Justice & Equality [2022] IECA 219

Puong & anor v. The Minister for Foreign Affairs & anor [2021] IECA 149

Talla v. The Minister for Justice & Equality [2020] IECA 135

A.A. v. The Minister for Justice [2019] IECA 272

V.K. and Khan v. Minister for Justice and Equality [2019] IECA 232; [2021] 1 IR 724

M.Y. v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform [2017] IECA 317


High Court

B.A.C (BOTSWANA) v. The International Protection Appeals Tribunal [2024] IEHC 297

A.E. v. Chief International Protection Officer & anor [2023] IEHC 695

N.U. v. The International Protection Appeals Tribunal & anor [2022] IEHC 87

Sula and Sula v. The International Protection Appeals Tribunal & anor [2021] IEHC 295

Shao v. Minister for Justice and Equality (No. 2) [2020] IEHC 68

Puong & anor v. The Minister for Foreign Affairs & anor [2019] IEHC 764

S. v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2019] IEHC 584

Islam v. The Minister for Foreign Affairs [2019] IEHC 559

Y. v. The International Protection Appeals Tribunal & anor [2019] IEHC 548

H.M. Ashique v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2019] IEHC 254

A.A. (Pakistan) v. International Protection Appeals Tribunal [2018] IEHC 497

Z.S. v. The Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Anor. [2018] IEHC 436

S.H. v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2017] IEHC 41

Lin & Ors. v. The Minister for Justice and Equality  [2016] IEHC 670

H.R.A. v. The Minister for Justice and Equality & Ors. [2016] IEHC 528

G.N.L. v. The Minister for Justice and Law Reform & Ors. [2014] IEHC 292

N.H.V. (Bangladesh) v. The Minister for Justice and Equality & Ors. [2013] IEHC 535

Jamali v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2013] IEHC 27; [2013] 1 IR 609

J.K. (Uganda) v. The Minister for Justice and Equality [2011] IEHC 473

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