Lauren Tennyson BL

  • Junior Counsel: 2007

LL.B., B.L.

Lauren Tennyson BL
Direct Professional Access:

I practice in general civil law in Ireland, including in employment and equality law, education law, employer’s liability, public liability, and torts law and personal injuries law.

I specialise in employment and equality law and I appear regularly before the WRC, the Labour Court, and the civil courts in employment law disputes and in employment mediations. I advise and act for large multinationals, as well as small and medium sized enterprises. I am frequently engaged by companies as an investigator to carry out independent workplace investigations.

I am on the standing committee of the Employment Bar Association and the Employment Law Association of Ireland.

I am the Consultant Editor of the Employment Law in Ireland ‘Xpert HR’ International manual, a publication of HR and legal information and guidance for UK companies operating in Ireland.

I am a member of the Bar of Northern Ireland.

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Signed up to the Pro Bono Pledge

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087-913 1883
Distillery Building 145-151 Church Street Dublin 7
@Lauren Tennyson

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