- Mediator
- Accrediting Body: The Mediators Institute of Ireland (MII)
- Other Memberships:
- Committee Member, Financial Services Bar Association
Corporate and Insolvency Bar Association
European Union Bar Association (EUBA)
Financial Services Bar Association
Physiotherapists Registration Board (CORU)
Professional Regulatory and Disciplinary Bar Association - Direct Professional Access:
- Provided
John has prior (8+ years) experience in leading policy and legal development in a regulatory context, as well as third level teaching, research (both affiliated and independent) and state board membership experience. He is also an accredited mediator. John is particularly interested in regulatory, administrative and EU law. In addition, John has a keen interest in legal history.
‘Improvised Justice? The Dáil Courts’, Law Society Gazette (Jan/Feb 2025), pp. 42-45
‘Brace for Braganza? The Braganza Duty and the Potential for Irish Commercial Litigation’ (presented at the Irish Rule of Law International Commercial Law Conference, 24 October 2024)
‘Inheriting the Royals: Royal Chartered Bodies in Ireland after 1922’, (2024) 75(2) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
‘Greening the Irish State: early legislative and administrative dynamics’ (2024) Irish Political Studies (with Muiris MacCarthaigh and Colin Scott)
‘Priming the state: continuity and junctures in the foundation of the Irish administration’ (2024) Irish Political Studies (with Muiris MacCarthaigh and Colin Scott)
‘Public Policy Accumulation in Ireland: The Changing Profile of Ministerial Departments 1922–2022’ (2023) 38 Irish Political Studies 92 (with Muiris MacCarthaigh and Niamh Hardiman)
‘Resolving the Gaps: Embedding ISDA in States’ Responses to Systemic Risk’ (with Colin Scott) in Controlling Capital: Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets (ed. N. Dorn) (2016)
‘Licensing the Gatekeeper? Public Pathways, Social Significance and the ISDA Credit Derivatives Determinations Committees’ (2015) Transnational Legal Theory 6 (with Colin Scott)
‘Targeted Touchdown’ and ‘Partial Liftoff’: Post-Crisis Dispute Resolution in the OTC Derivatives Markets and the Challenge for ISDA’ (2012) German Law Journal
‘Public-Private Relations in a Transnational Private Regulatory Regime: ISDA, The State and OTC Derivatives Market Reform’ (2012) 13 European Business Organization Law Review 309 (with Colin Scott)
‘The Implementation of the Services Directive in Ireland’ in The Implementation of the EU Services Directive: Transposition, Problems and Strategies, eds. U. Stelkens et al. (TMC Asser Press, 2012)
Speeches & Lectures
‘Life in the Dáil Courts Revisited: Gleanings from the Archives’, delivered at the conference Revolutionary Law and Social Realities: A Centenary Retrospective, 27 March 2024
‘Finding and Losing the ‘Brehon Laws’ Through Time’, delivered at the Law Society of Ireland, 15 February 2023
Pro-bono & Voluntary
Member of the Voluntary Assistance Scheme (VAS)
Previous experience with a Dublin community law centre
Contact Form
- Mobile
- 086-214 9964
- John.Biggins@lawlibrary.ie
- Address
- Law Library Four Courts Inns Quay Dublin 7 Dublin
- DX
- 810050