Christopher McMahon BL

  • Junior Counsel: 2020

LLB (Pol Sc) (Dubl), BCL (Oxon), PhD (Dubl)

Areas of Practice:
  • Administrative Law
  • Commercial/Chancery
  • General Common Law
  • General Practice
  • Judicial Review
  • Company Law
  • Competition Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Data Protection Law
  • Discovery
  • European Law
  • Planning & Local Government Law
  • Public Procurement
Christopher McMahon BL

Other Languages:
French (Fluent)
Irish (Fluent)
Italian (Working)
Portuguese (Working)
Spanish (Fluent)
Direct Professional Access:
Not provided

C McMahon, ‘Selectivity as discrimination: : lessons from the case law on fiscal measures for identifying State aid’ (2024) Yearbook of European Law (available here)

C McMahon, ‘Unseating the “Supreme Inspector of Taxes” for the European Union: Luxembourg and Engie v Commission (C-451/21 P and C-454/21 P) EU:C:2023:948 (2024) 49 European Law Review 294

C McMahon, ‘No Further Assistance to the Court: The Distinction between Legal Advice and Legal Assistance in the Irish Law on Legal Professional Privilege’ (2022-2023) 43 Dublin University Law Journal 109

Christopher McMahon, ‘Judgment by Formula: Regulatory Form and the Differentiation of Fiscal Measures and Non-Fiscal Measures in EU State Aid Law’ (2024) 23 European State Aid Law Quarterly 4

C McMahon, ‘Country Report – Ireland’ (2023) 22 European State Aid Law Quarterly 427

C McMahon, McMahon ‘Keeping an Autonomous Principle at Arm’s Length: Fiat Chrysler Finance Europe and Ireland v Commission’ (2023) 60 Common Market Law Review 1153

C McMahon, ‘Changed Utterly: The Impact of the Tax Cases on EU State Aid Law’ (PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin 2023) (available here)

C McMahon and A Eustace, ‘Nothing to Lose but Their Restraints of Trade: Lessons for Employment Non-Compete Clauses from EU Competition Law’ (2023) 52 Industrial Law Journal 409 (available here)

H Hogan, A Eustace and C McMahon, ‘Mutual Trust, Mutual Recognition and the Rule of Law’ (Country Report for Ireland – FIDE Congress XXX, 2023)

H Hogan, A Eustace and C McMahon, ‘European Social Union’ (Country Report for Ireland – FIDE Congress XXX, 2023)

C McMahon, ‘Endorsement for Commission’s Approach to Tax Rulings from the Court of Justice: The Decision in Commission v Belgium and Magnetrol (C-337/19 P) EU:C:2021:741’ (2022) 43 European Competition Law Review 196

C McMahon, ‘Unlawful State Aid and the Inevitability of Recovery: the Conclusion of the Air Travel Tax Litigation in Minister for Finance and Ireland v Comhfhorbairt (Gaillimh) t/a Aer Arann [2021] IECA 264’ (2022) 29 Commercial Law Practitioner 95

C McMahon, ‘Sporting Organisations on Thin Ice: Speed Skating, Arbitration and the Competition Rules (T-93/18 International Skating Union) (2021) 5 European Competition and Regulatory Law Review 431

C McMahon, ‘The Relationship between Economic Advantage and the Compatibility Assessment in Decisions Not to Raise Objections – Case T-578/17 a&o hostel and hotel Berlin GmbH v Commission (Jugendherberge Berlin)‘ (2021) 20 European State Aid Law Quarterly 427

C McMahon, ‘State Aid Junkies, Viruses and the Aviation Industry: Ryanair’s Litigation against Approved Aid Measures for Airlines During the Pandemic’ (2021) 20 European State Aid Law Quarterly 249

C McMahon, ‘Unwarranted: The Validity of the European Arrest Warrant in the light of Saqlain and Shahzad” (2021) 39 Irish Law Times 230

C McMahon, ‘Conspicuous by its Absence: Explaining Ireland’s Minimal State Aid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (TCD Law School COVID-19 Observatory Blog, 18 March 2021) (available here)

C McMahon, ‘Statutory Reform, Judicial Interpretation and Libel Tourism – A Ticket from London to Dublin?’ (2018) 1 Tort Law and Litigation Review 29

C McMahon, ‘The Abortion Referendum Revisited – The Decisions in Byrne v Ireland and Jordan v Ireland (2018) 36 Irish Law Times 263

C McMahon, ‘The Limits of Separate Legal Personality in Ireland – Statutory Exceptions Overtaking the Common Law’ (2018) 36 Irish Law Times 248

C McMahon, ‘Judicial Deference – Reassessing Political Accountability’s Pedestal in Irish Administrative Law’ (2018) 36 Irish Law Times 68

C McMahon, ‘Turning Gold into Lead – A Reappraisal of Inferences from Silence’ (2018) 36 Irish Law Times 78

C McMahon, ‘iPromise: How Contract Theory can Inform Regulation of Online Consumer Contracts’ (2018) 21 Trinity College Law Review 174


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Law Library Four Courts Dublin 7 Dublin D07 N972
@Christopher McMahon

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