Welcome to the Look into Law : Further TY Resources page. This page is for all students interested in learning more about the law and life as a barrister. We hope you find it useful.
Information about becoming a barrister
A career as a barrister offers a rewarding and stimulating opportunity to have a real impact, both for clients and for the wider society. Barristers are specialist legal advisers and advocates who present before all Irish courts, including the Criminal Courts of Justice, High Court, and also in international courts, such as the European Court of Justice.
Download your copy of Your Path to the Bar below.
The centre for the education of barrister in Ireland is the Honorable Society of King’s Inns, founded in 1541 during the reign of Henry VIII. It is the oldest institution of legal education in Ireland and was modelled on the four Inns of Court in London. Unlike the UK, there is only one Inn of Court in Ireland, and so the overwhelming majority of barristers in Ireland are graduates of King’s Inns. Follow this link to find out more about the King’s Inns.
The Denham Fellowship, named after The Hon. Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, former Chief Justice, assists two aspiring barristers annually who come from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds to gain access to professional legal education at the King’s Inns and professional practice at the Law Library. Find out more about this incredible initiative by clicking here.
Articles, websites, podcasts and videos of interest
The Bar of Ireland’s website contains lots of information about the Bar, life as a barrister and the work the membership does. You can access it here.
The Bar Review is The Bar of Ireland’s journal and contains in-depth legal analysis, feature interviews, and updates on projects undertaken by The Bar of Ireland and its membership.
You can access the latest issue here: https://www.lawlibrary.ie/bar-reviews/
Viewpoints seeks to showcase subject matter experts and thought leadership from our members on key debates that impact on law, policy, and society. These contributions from our members aim to contribute to the understanding of legal issues for the benefit of colleagues in legal practice, the public, stakeholder and the media.
You can access viewpoints here: https://www.lawlibrary.ie/viewpoints/
Natural Justice is a campaign initiated by The Bar of Ireland. The climate crisis remains the key issue of our time and lawyers, along with all of us, have a key role to play. The Natural Justice initiative seeks to initiate a dialogue and highlight the intersection of law and the environment in public discourse. On this website, you will find opportunities to engage with the legal community on environmental issues, take part in local and national projects and have your voice heard in the climate conversation.
More information about our campaign can be found here.
The Bar of Ireland Podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms. From history to current affairs, and legal developments to art and literature, our episodes cover all aspects of the barrister’s profession with new episodes released frequently.
You can access our podcasts here: https://www.lawlibrary.ie/podcasts/
If you are interested in history, check out the Green Street Lecture series.
Useful information about the legal system in Ireland
The Courts Service have some excellent resources for schools and students to access.
You can access some information and videos by clicking here.
You can look up a lot of legal words and phrases by clicking here.
You can find out more about how the courts operate by clicking here.
The Department of Justice has information about its role in society and you can find out more by clicking here.
The President of Ireland plays a role in the legal system. Find out more by clicking here.
The Citizens’ Information website also contains useful information about the Courts.
Take a look here to see how a Criminal Trial works and here to find out about jury service.
If you’d like to visit a courthouse in your locality, take a look here at all the courthouses around the country.
Other links of interest
In Plain Sight was a joint initiative of The Bar of Ireland and the Honourable Society of King’s Inns to celebrate women barristers and their leadership, influence and contribution to the legal system and barrister profession. You can view this initiative here and learn more about the women featured by clicking here.
Learn more about the equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives at the Bar.
The IWLA – Irish Women Lawyers Association – website can be accessed here.
View the IWLA conversation with Mary Robinson on Climate Justice.
Click here to find out more of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
If you would like to find out more about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), please look here for information about mediation and here about ADR.
There are a number of websites with information about the rights of children and young people.
Please click here for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
You can take a look at the website on Child Friendly Justice at the Council of Europe website here.
The Children’s Rights Alliance has a number of Know Your Rights’ Guides which you can access here, which include guides on the following:
- My right to be treated equally, be included and make my own decisions
- My right to education
- My right to health
- My right to protection from harm
- My rights in the family
- My rights as a migrant or refugee
- My rights in dealing with criminal law and the Gardaí (Irish police)
- My rights online
- My right to shelter
- Where can I go for help?
Other websites of interest include the following:
An Garda Síochána: click here
The Office of the DPP: click here
The Prison Services: click here