7 March 2024 | 6 – 8 pm
The Bar of Ireland, in partnership with the EU Bar Association, Ireland for Law and support from the London Irish Lawyers Association (LILA) welcome their forthcoming seminar “Unlocking EU Data Protection: Insights from the Irish Experience” on 7 March at the Embassy of Ireland, London. The evening will provide attendees valuable insights into EU data protection regulations provided by Ireland’s leading experts in the data protection and the legal sector, including Helen Dixon, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner for Ireland.
Guest of Honour: Helen Dixon | Marking Ten Years of Leadership in Data Protection
Having only recently completing her tenure earlier this month, Helen Dixon served as head of the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) over the past ten years and oversaw the initial implementation and enforcement of data protection law and regulation in Ireland, ensuring compliance with both national and European Union (EU) data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
With a multitude of global corporations basing their operations in Ireland, her pioneering leadership in the application of robust data protection measures has played a crucial role in upholding individuals’ privacy rights and instilling trust in the Irish and EU digital economy.
Before serving as the Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon held various legal roles, including Deputy Commissioner for the Irish Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement and as a senior lawyer at the Irish Attorney General’s Office. Her expertise and thought leadership promises to provide insightful discussion surrounding the future of EU data protection.
The evening will proceed with legal insights shared by members of The Bar of Ireland Emily Egan McGrath SC and Eoin McCullough SC, in a conversation moderated by The Hon. Mr. Justice David Barniville, President of the High Court of Ireland, exploring the topic from both regulatory and legal standpoints. Following the panel discussion, attendees will have the chance to participate in a Q&A.

Navigating Data Protection Law
With the recent surge in data privacy concerns and evolving regulatory landscapes, understanding the nuances of data protection law is crucial for legal professionals and businesses alike.
The seminar guarantees an engaging and enlightening session, providing attendees with the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the legal ramifications associated with EU data protection legislation. Additionally, it offers a networking opportunity with leading experts in the field.
Speaking ahead of the event, Chair of the EU Bar Association Brian Kennedy SC said,

We are honoured to co-host this seminar in collaboration with Ireland for Law and The Bar of Ireland, offering attendees a distinctive look into EU data protection legislation. Both Eoin McCullough S.C. and Emily Egan McGrath S.C. have significant experience in this field, and will ensure a valuable discussion on the future of data protection in the EU. In addition, Helen Dixon’s term as the Irish Data Protection Commission has been instrumental in shaping Ireland’s data protection landscape, particularly in the wake of GDPR implementation.
Event Details
- Date: 7 March 2024
- Time: 6 – 8 pm
- Where: Embassy of Ireland, 17 Grosvenor Place London SW1X 7HR
The discussion will be followed by a canape and drinks reception.
Additional Information
The EU Bar Association is a specialist bar association for Irish barristers who practise in the area of EU Law. It was established in December 2016 with the purpose of providing a forum for barristers who practise or possess expertise in the area of EU law or who would wish to develop such practice or expertise.
The EUBA provides specialist education to its members through seminars, conferences and morning briefing sessions which seek to keep members up to date on developments in a complex and fast moving area of EU law.
The EUBA promotes the Bar as a specialist provider of advocacy and legal advice in this area. For more information, please go to www.euba.ie
Ireland for Law is the Irish Government’s International Legal Services Strategy. This strategy has been created to represent and position Ireland’s international legal services industry. We seek to promote Irish Law and Irish Legal Services to the international business community, particularly in areas where Ireland is already a world leader, including aviation finance, funds, insurance, tech, pharma and life sciences. For more information, please go to www.irelandforlaw.com
The London Irish Lawyers Association (‘LILA’) is a professional organisation for lawyers based in London with an affinity to the island of Ireland. LILA is built on this affinity within an apolitical and non-denominational context. Our members are lawyers, students and academics.
LILA aims to provide a resource for its members at all stages of their careers as well as to provide opportunities for those newly qualified or newly entitled to practise in England and Wales to engage with more senior solicitors and barristers. It aims to encourage relationships by organising lectures, social events and workshops and to represent members by contributing to debate on issues of professional or legal significance. For more information, please go to London Irish Lawyers Association