Construction Bar Association

The Construction Bar Association of Ireland (CBA) is a specialist association of Irish lawyers who practise in or have an interest in construction law and the resolution of disputes in the sector.
The CBA seeks to advance the state of knowledge of Irish construction law through its regular Technical Talks Programme, the CBA Construction Law Periodical, the Annual CBA Construction Law Conference and ad hoc briefings to Members on hot topics as they arise during the legal year.
Irish Criminal Bar Association

The Irish Criminal Bar Association is a representative body for Irish barristers who practice in the criminal courts. Their aim is to be a voice for criminal barristers on issues specific to the criminal bar.
They aim provide relevant Continuing Professional Development seminars, information and public events to better inform the criminal practitioner and wider public of the criminal law.
Professional Regulatory & Disciplinary Bar Association
EU Bar Association

The EU Bar Association is a specialist bar association for Irish barristers who practise in the area of EU Law. It was established in December 2016 with the purpose of providing a forum for barristers who practise or possess expertise in the area of EU law or who would wish to develop such practice or expertise.
Immigration Asylum & Citizenship Bar Association

The Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship Bar Association (IACBA) is an association of members of The Bar of Ireland specialising in immigration (including EU free movement of persons), asylum and citizenship law, in addition to related areas such as employment permits, family reunification and trafficking in human persons.
It’s aim is to provide relevant continuing professional development seminars, information and public events to better inform barristers and the wider public of these areas of law.
Employment Bar Association

The EBA is an association of Senior and Junior Counsel who are members of the Bar of Ireland who specialise in employment, equality and labour law in litigation and in advising and supporting employers and employees in resolving workplace disputes.
The Association includes Lawyers, Litigators and Certified Mediators who specialise in employment and workplace law.
Family Lawyers Association

The Family Lawyers Association of Ireland was founded in 1987 and has now grown to be the largest Association of its kind in Great Britain and Ireland.
It is active in the field of legal education; law reform; dialogue between practitioners and Court users; and lively social events, both within Ireland and beyond.
Probate Bar Association

The Probate Bar Association (PBA) is a specialist association of Irish lawyers who practise in probate and succession law.
Members of the PBA specialise and practice in chancery probate, succession law and trust litigation, and have extensive litigation experience in these areas, advising and supporting solicitors acting on behalf of executors, beneficiaries and any other interested parties.
Planning Environment Local Government Bar Association
Cumann Barra na Gaeilge

Is sain-chumann barra nua é Cumann Barra na Gaeilge atá tiomanta d’fhorbairt na Gaeilge a spreagadh sa Leabharlann Dlí.
Tax Bar Association

It is the underlying aim of the Tax Bar Association to support specialist barristers who are working in the area of tax law. The aims and objectives of the association are to:
– provide a forum for barristers who practise or who want to practise in the area of tax;
– promote the skillset of barristers as litigators and advisors to the wider community; and,
– represent and promote The Bar of Ireland and its members to other professional bodies.
Financial Services Bar Association

The Financial Services Bar Association aims to promote members’ expertise in all areas of financial services law. In addition, this new association will actively encourage and educate junior colleagues who want to grow their practice in financial services law.
The Association will also proactively engage with relevant legislative developments and consultations.
Media, Internet & Data Protection Bar Association

MIDBA seeks to advance knowledge in these dynamic and fast-developing areas of law.
Given the seismic changes in the media landscape in recent years, and with many of the largest technology companies having their European headquarters located in Ireland, it is essential that law practitioners are kept up to date on developments in these complex and fast-moving areas of law.
Climate Bar Association

The Climate Bar Association established in 2021, is dedicated to pursuing environmental initiatives both within the Law Library and in society more widely.
Tort and Insurance Bar Association

The Tort and Insurance Bar Association is dedicated to overseeing matters relating to developments in the area of tort and insurance, and engages with a variety of bodies on the personal injuries landscape in Ireland.
The Association was established to develop and strengthen the profession’s position in respect of this area of practice, and to consider evolving issues.
Corporate & Insolvency Bar Association (CIBA)

Established in February 2022, the CIBA is focused on promoting the expertise of members in the area of corporate and insolvency law.
The Association is keen to provide a forum for practitioners, run regular CPD and events, and to engage with bodies working in this area.