As trade and commerce become increasingly networked across an increasing number of territories and regions, the need for a comprehensive legal counsel service is vital.
Ireland, and Irish law, is ideally positioned to offer international clients, or those working across borders a world-class service, drawing from our common law & European law heritage.
Why a Counsel from the Irish Bar?
- A significant number of our members are arbitrators and accept appointments as international arbitrators each year.
- Irish barristers are specialists in Irish and EU law and give opinions and advice to international clients.
- Ireland boasts a common law heritage, the choice of law for the vast majority of international contracts.
- A dedicated Commercial Court, case managed and fast-tracked resolution of cases valued in excess of €1 million.
Irish barristers accept instructions directly from both EU and foreign lawyers and may appear in the Irish courts on the instructions of an EU lawyer. In any non-contentious work, and outside Ireland, barristers may act on the instructions of any foreign lawyer.

Choosing Ireland as a location to litigate in
Ireland for Law is a coordinated International Legal Services Strategy that brings together the Government, The Bar of Ireland, Law Society of Ireland, along with the State’s premier enterprise and development agency – the IDA.
The ambition of Ireland for Law is to promote Irish Law and Irish Legal Services to the international business community, particularly in areas where Ireland is already a world leader, including aviation finance, funds, insurance, tech, pharma and life sciences.

Ireland as a seat for international arbitration
Arbitration Ireland’s aim is to bring together, promote and develop the advantages that Ireland offers for International Arbitration.
Advantages include that the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration has been fully incorporated into Irish law, as well as Ireland being a signatory to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.

Our European expertise
The EU Bar Association is a specialist bar association for Irish barristers who practise in the area of EU Law.
The EUBA provides specialist EU orientated professional development to its members through seminars, conferences and morning briefing sessions, as well as strengthening our EU networks and alliances.

The Irish Commercial Court
The Commercial Court deals with all types of business disputes with a value not less than €1m; including breach of contract, tort, property, trust and probate, IT disputes, judicial review, corporate mergers, global restructuring, insurance portfolio transfers, international swaps and derivatives or other investment disputes, and intellectual property disputes.
Specialist lists deal with Competition cases, Arbitration matters, Strategic Infrastructure Developments, Intellectual Property and Tech, and Insolvency.