Justice Week 2020: Law as a tool. Justice as a right.

13 February 2020

Justice Week runs from 24-27th February and aims to promote an understanding and awareness of access to justice and the rule of law amongst younger citizens.

The focus of the 2020 Justice Week campaign is to engage with our younger citizens (under 25s) to help improve their understanding of the importance of the justice system, and to demonstrate the possibilities that the law can provide in protecting their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Students, younger citizens and those organisations working the justice field are invited to engage on how the law and courts play a role in addressing key challenges, as part of the first Justice Week in the State.

During Justice Week, each day will carry a distinct theme:

Monday 24th          Protecting Freedom
Tuesday 25th          Fighting for Rights
Wednesday 26th     Defending Democracy
Thursday 27th         Saving the Planet

Activities across the week will incorporate the various themes including:

  • a debate between the main Irish university Law Schools,
  • a mock trial between the students of St. Audoen’s National School Dublin 7,
  • video interviews from those working in the justice field
  • as well as highlighting some policy and public interest initiatives – in the context of family law, court resourcing and related matters.

Themes of the week reflect many of the common challenges facing citizens and states across Europe and beyond.  Bringing attention to the importance of law and the courts in addressing these challenges is, in our view, an important and continuous exercise.

Join the conversation – policy priorities, research and other initiatives can be promoted using the #justiceweek tag.

This is the first year that The Bar of Ireland joins with our colleagues in the UK in the awareness raising campaign –  the Bar Council of England and Wales, Bar of Northern Ireland and the Faculty of Advocates, Scotland.  The intention is to build on the week, and to involve the many voices in the legal policy and justice sector. 

Monday 24th poster
Tuesday 25th poster
Wednesday 26th poster
Thursday 27th poster
Round up poster
