The Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI) is a non-profit rule of law organisation established by the Law Society of Ireland and the Bar Council of Ireland, funded by Irish Aid, and Human Dignity Foundation. Their Access to Justice programme, working in some of the world’s poorest regions, is dedicated to promoting the rule of law by harnessing the skills of Irish legal professionals.
The 12-month volunteer programme is currently in operation in Malawi, where lawyer Emma Weld-Moore is working towards the ultimate aim of reducing overcrowding in prisons, which are filled with not only convicts, but thousands of pre-trial unrepresented ‘remandees’.

Emma Weld-Moore pictured on the 12 month volunteer Access to Justice programme in Malawi.
Child justice features heavily on the programme, with IRLI operating a child diversion programme to route youngsters who have come into conflict with the law away from the formal criminal justice system onto rehabilitation programmes.
In a recent article published in the Irish Examiner, Emma Weld-Moore provided a unique insight into the worthwhile Access to Justice programme, which can be viewed at the following link: