Recent Appointment to Panel of European Data Protection Experts

14 July 2022

Daragh Troy BL has recently been added to a panel of experts, following a call by The European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

The Support Pool of Experts is a key strategic initiative of the EDPB, that helps Supervisory Authorities increase their capacity to supervise and enforce the safeguarding of personal data. 

Daragh’s expertise and counsel in the field of data protection, will be available for contracting authorities, specifically in respect of

  • Technical expertise in new technologies and information security, and
  • Legal expertise in new technologies.

The pool of experts has been established in order to assist in the carrying out of investigations and enforcement activities of significant common interest, comprising both EDPB experts and external experts.

The EDPB is an independent EU body established by the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, which contributes to the consistent application of data protection rules throughout the European Economic Area (EEA), and promotes cooperation between the EEA data protection authorities.

Details of the EDPB and work of experts can be found here