15 November 2024 | 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
On Friday, 15 November, the Employment Bar Association (EBA) will host their Annual Employment Law Conference in the Distillery Building, Dublin 7.
This year’s Conference will hear from legal professionals including The Hon. Ms Justice Nuala Butler of the Court of Appeal in addition to Junior and Senior Counsel specialising in the area of employment law.
The conference provides a unique opportunity for legal professionals, academics, and industry experts to exchange ideas and gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of employment law. Attendees can expect an informative day addressing critical legal topics including navigating workplace investigations, recent case law and developments in injunctions, equality claims, effective remedies and disciplinary and regulatory investigations into criminal conduct.

Speakers and Topics to include:
The conference will commence with an opening address by Chair of the Employment Bar Association, Brendan Kirwan SC followed by the introduction of Session 1 which will focus on legal perspectives on employment law, chaired by The Honourable Ms Justice Nuala Butler.
Jason Murray BL: Based on his paper titled The Lesser Spotted Equality Claims, Jason Murray BL will explore the less obvious claims of discrimination in the workplace.
Remy Farrell SC: It is often the case that the more serious categories of disciplinary and regulatory investigations will involve question as to what is criminal conduct. Remy Farrell SC will discuss in his presentation Disciplinary and Regulatory Investigations into Criminal Conduct.
Cara Jane Walsh BL – In her presentation Navigating Workplace Investigations: Crucial Steps and Potential Pitfalls, Cara Jane Walsh BL will highlight the rising demand for investigations in the workplace and the sensitivity and complexity of the investigations being conducted alongside them.
Lorna Lynch SC – The primary basis for granting injunctions is the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1877 and provides that an injunction can be granted if it appears to the court to feel convenient and on the conditions as the court finds just. Lorna Lynch SC will share recent developments in case law and developments in injunctions in her presentation to attendees.
Alex White SC will introduce Part 2 of the conference which will begin with Des Ryan BL leading a discussion on his paper Employment Law Remedies. His presentation will specifically focus on four recent developments at the Supreme Court level which involve several aspects of remedies in the employment context. The Conference will conclude with a panel discussion on Routes to an Effective Remedy with commentary from;
Chair of The Employment Bar Association Brendan Kirwan SC commented on the upcoming conference,

“I look forward to welcoming all attendees, both in person and those joining us online, to the Employment Bar Association’s annual conference on Friday.
The EBA has put together a line up of speakers with extensive knowledge and experience in employment law; speakers who will talk you through latest developments, emerging trends and the practical considerations which arise when dealing with legal issues in, and related to, the workplace. The topics covered—from equality claims and workplace investigations to developments in the field of injunctions and remedies more generally—reflect the complexities and evolving nature of employment law today.
I hope that the perspectives and insights provided by this year’s speakers will be of real legal and practical benefit to all attendees.”

The EBA is an association of Senior and Junior Counsel who are members of the Bar of Ireland who specialise in employment, equality and labour law in litigation and in advising and supporting employers and employees in resolving workplace disputes.
The Association includes Lawyers, Litigators and Certified Mediators who specialise in employment and workplace law.