Human Rights Award 2015
The Bar Council of Ireland proudly sponsored the Human Rights Award at the Irish Law Awards . The Human Rights award recognises outstanding achievement and commitment in this area and is awarded to those whose work has made a profound change in the rights and wellbeing of those without a voice. This year’s most deserving recipient is Brother Kevin Crowley, founder of the Capuchin Day Centre, who was presented with the award by Chairman David Barniville SC at the Irish Law Awards held on 30th April 2015.
Brother Kevin founded the Capuchin Day Centre in Bow Street in 1969 to help relieve the hardship endured by homeless people and to help those in need. At the heart of the Day Centre is the Capuchin Franciscan ethos of an “Open Door” policy where people are welcomed and treated with dignity, privacy and respect. When it opened first the Centre fed 50 people a day. In 2014 that number has risen to 800 people a day (300 for breakfast and 500 for lunch). In addition, the centre gives food parcels to those in need and currently up to 1,800 a day receive parcels to help feed their families. As well as providing hot meals, the Centre also provides facilities such as shower areas, medical services and advice and information clinics. Brother Kevin is assisted in his work by the staff of the Capuchin Day Centre and a team of volunteers.
Brother Kevin’s humble approach to his selfless and unstinting dedication to attending to the most basic human needs of others in their time of need extends to accepting accolades such as the Bar Council Human Rights Award, and the many others that he has been presented with over the years. His only motivation in accepting the award is the opportunity to further raise awareness of the Capuchin Day Centre and its work. The Bar Council has taken a keen interest in the endeavours of our nearest neighbour in Bow Street over the years and supports where possible all efforts to create awareness of the Capuchin Day Centre and will continue to do so in the years to come.