Washington Celebration of Brexit initiative

15 March 2019

Council of The Bar of Ireland are delighted to attend an event in the Irish Embassy, Washington DC this evening to celebrate the Government backed legal services initiative to make Ireland a global hub for international litigation and arbitration post-Brexit.

The initiative, led by the Council of The Bar of Ireland in conjunction with the Law Society of Ireland and the wider legal community, with support from the IDA, seeks to position Ireland to fully capitalise on the opportunities that may arise from the UK exiting the European Union, effectively making Ireland the only English-speaking common-law jurisdiction fully integrated into the European legal order.

Speaking ahead of the event, Micheál P O’Higgins SC, Chairman, Council of The Bar of Ireland said “While the UK’s departure from the EU is unwelcome, it creates a real opportunity for Ireland to increase the market for international legal services including from the US. Ireland is best placed to reassure the international business community that post-Brexit, legal services can continue to be transacted within an EU, English speaking, common law system through the use of Irish law in commercial contracts”.

“Further advantages are Ireland’s independent judiciary with an international reputation for fairness, integrity and commercial awareness, and the certainty of enforceability of judgments of Irish courts within EU member states,” he continued.

“The benefits that will accrue in promoting Ireland as a global legal hub are not limited to the legal industry but will also assist the wider Irish economy as we have estimated that even a 1% movement of legal services from the UK to Ireland could add between 1,100 and 1,600 jobs to the Irish economy in a year. We look forward to working with our colleagues in the wider legal community both at home and here in the US to ensure seamless access to the world-renowned litigation and alternative dispute resolution services provided by the legal profession in Ireland” concluded Mr O’Higgins.

To read the full Brexit initiative click here.