The Bar of Ireland and Charities Regulator provide free seminar to over 200 charities

26 January 2018

ActionAid Ireland, The Society of St Vincent de Paul, Tallaght University Hospital Foundation, and Green Foundation Ireland were amongst 200 charities, NGOs and civic society groups that participated in a seminar entitled “Good Governance and The Law” which was hosted by the Voluntary Assistance Scheme of The Bar of Ireland and the Charities Regulatory on Thursday 25th January 2018.

This seminar was established to provide individuals with information and training about their legal responsibilities as board members of charities and NGOs. The principals of good governance, the qualities that make a good director and crisis management were amongst the topics discussed, along with the general legal obligations of board members.

Addressing the workshop was Chairman, Council of The Bar of Ireland, Paul McGarry SC, Helen Martin, Director of Regulation, Charities Regulator, Shelly Horan BL, Hugh O’Flaherty BL and Tom Malone, Head of Compliance and Enforcement, Charities Regulator. The seminar heard of the increasing obligations that charity trustees’ must undertake, and were given a practical perspective regarding challenges which may affect board members of charities.


(l-r Paul McGarry SC, Chairman, Council of The Bar of Ireland, Helen Martin, Director of Regulation, Charities Regulator, Tom Malone, Head of Compliance and Enforcement, Charities Regulator, Shelly Horan BL, Hugh O’Flaherty BL & Sonja O’Connor BL, VAS Co-ordinator)

Providing guidance on law reform and the legislative process is just one aspect of the pro-bono assistance provided to groups from the voluntary sector by barristers under The Bar of Ireland’s Voluntary Assistance Scheme (VAS). It also provides assistance to charities on a wide range of legal areas including regulatory matters, landlord and tenant issues, social welfare appeals, and employment and equality law.

For more information on The Bar of Ireland’s Voluntary Assistance Scheme (VAS) see

Requests for support through VAS must be made through a voluntary organisation, applications cannot be accepted from individuals. Throughout the process, the organisation remains involved as The Bar of Ireland’s point of contact for that individual.