New Chairman of the Council of The Bar of Ireland elected

11 July 2018

Micheál P. O’Higgins SC has been elected as the new Chairman of the Council of The Bar of Ireland. His election was confirmed on Wednesday 11th of July, following a ballot of the members of the Council.

Micheál P. O’Higgins SC was called to the Bar in 1990 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2008, having graduated from UCD with a Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) in 1988. He works as a Barrister in general practice with a particular specialisation in Administrative Law, Crime and Constitutional Law.

Micheál is from Dublin and lives there with his wife, Paula Murphy and their 4 children.

Commenting after his election, Mr. O’Higgins said:

“I am thrilled and humbled to have been elected to the role of Chairman by the Members of the Council. I look forward to working with them on behalf of all of the Members of The Bar of Ireland to promote the central role which the independent referral bar plays in the administration of justice.

“It is a privilege for barristers to act for all clients who need assistance, and in particular for those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged.

“I wish to express sincere appreciation and gratitude to Paul McGarry SC for his dedicated leadership as Chairman of the Council over the past 2 years.  I look forward to representing the profession and our core values of independence, expertise and integrity throughout my Chairmanship,” he said.