James O’Reilly SC

Member of the Inner Bar

  • Junior Counsel: 1977
  • Senior Counsel: 1989

BCL, LL.B, Dip. Eur. Law, LLM. (Yale), A.M. (CEDR).

Areas of Practice:
  • Administrative Law
  • Commercial/Chancery
  • General Practice
  • Judicial Review
  • Private International & Comparative Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Environmental Law
  • European Law
  • Human Rights
  • Planning & Local Government Law
  • Wards of Court & Capacity Law
James O’Reilly SC

Other Languages:
French (Working)
Direct Professional Access:

James O’Reilly’s practice is based soundly in civil and commercial law with the variety and challenges practicing life presents. He has has a wide-ranging practice in public law, judicial review and commercial law especially where cases involve specialist issues of public and administrative law and EU law.  He has extensive experience in trial and appellate advocacy, especially in the Supreme Court, the Court of Justice and General Court.

The recent amendment to the Rules of the Superior Courts in 2011 concerning proceedings instituted by way of application for judicial review together with the establishment of the Court of Appeal in 2014 has resulted in further litigation already in train.

Following undergraduate and graduate studies at University College Dublin (BCL, LLB and Diploma in European Law), a year’s tenure of the research studentship at Christ’s College Cambridge and admission as a solicitor in 1970, he was a graduate fellow at Yale Law School (LLM). He was a lecturer in law in the UCD Law School from 1971 to 1981. He came to the Bar in Trinity Term 1978 and his practice has included civil law, administrative law and constitutional law with both EU and ECHR aspects. He was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1983 (Lincoln’s Inn) and to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 1989 (Inn of Court of Northern Ireland).

James has appeared in many of the leading cases before the Superior Courts of Ireland, including Cooke v Walsh (1984), Pine Valley Developments Ltd v Minister for the Environment (1987), O’Keeffe v An Bord Pleanala (1993), O’Neill v Ryan and Others (1993), Howard v Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland (1994), Duff v Minister for Agriculture (No 1) (1992) and (No.2) (1997), An Blascaod Mor Teoranta v Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland (2000), Sinnott v Minister for Education (2001), Curtin v Dáil Éireann (2006), Chadwick v Fingal County Council (2008), Donegan v Dublin City Council and Dublin City Council v Gallagher (2012) and Nawaz v Minister for Justice (2012). In Flynn v National Asset Loan Management Ltd and National Asset Management Loan Ltd v Flynn and Others [2014] IEHC 408, NALM’s claim as counterclaiming defendant for judgment in the amount of €21.9 M was rejected, the Court holding that NAMA’s group entity had acted unfairly, unlawfully and in breach of its statutory duty of transparency. Pierse v An Bord Pleanala [2018] IEHC 669 in which the high court ordered the cross examination of the Boards deponent who swore its verifying affidavit. Case C-122/17 Smith v Meade and others on the recovery against the State by FBD Insurance plc of damages based on the failure of the State to have implemented in a timely manner the Third Motor Insurance Directive.

He also appeared before the Privy Council in The Bahamas District of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas and others v Symonette and Others (Privy Council Appeal Nos 70/1998 and 6/1999) (Judgment delivered on 26 July 2000).

In Luxembourg, James has had in excess of 30 cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union commencing with Case 190/80 Anglo Irish Meats Ltd v Minister for Agriculture. He has had many cases in Strasbourg, before the European Court of Human Rights.

Thomson Reuters/Round Hall, Dublin · 2019

With Anthony M Collins (a Judge of the General Court, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg) James is co-author of Civil Proceedings and the State, (1st edition 1990, 2nd edition 2004,  3rd edition (2019).


Stationary Office · 2012

In 2012, James completed the current Standing Orders of the Dail and Seanad relative to Private Business for the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Standing Orders (Private Business). These Standing Orders replaced the Standing Orders of the Dail and Seanad relative to Private Business 1939.


The Trinity College, Dublin (Charters and Letters Patent Amendment) Act 2000 (No 1 (Private) of 2000)

James also drafted what became The Trinity College, Dublin (Charters and Letters Patent Amendment) Act 2000 (No 1 (Private) of 2000) and appeared for the promoter before the Joint Committee on the Private Bill in the Houses of the Oireachtas.


Festschrift – Essays in Honour of Brian Walsh: Human Rights and Constitutional Law

Round Hall Press · 1992

He also edited in 1992 the festschrift – Essays in Honour of Brian Walsh: Human Rights and Constitutional Law (Round Hall Press)- and has contributed articles to various law journals and publications including The Irish Jurist.


Guide to Changes in the Rules of the Superior Courts 1986 as a consequence of the coming into operation of the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments (European Communities) Act 1998

Stationary Office · 1998

At the request of the Superior Courts Rules Committee, James prepared (with Gerard Hogan) the Guide to Changes in the Rules of the Superior Courts 1986 as a consequence of the coming into operation of the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments (European Communities) Act 1998.


Law Society of Ireland · 1980
With Mary Redmond James produced the first casebook on Constitutional Law in Ireland

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