Tomorrow’s barristers impress, as part of Look into Law 2020

13 February 2020

100 Students from across the State were welcomed by the Bar of Ireland as part of the recent Look into Law Transition Year Programme last week (3rd – 7th February).

The purpose of the programme is to introduce TY students to the workings of the court, the practise of law and those working across the justice and legal sector.  Over the course of the week, students developed an important awareness of access to justice and the role of courts in the protection of rights.

Sessions and workshops were held with junior and senior counsels, members of An Garda Siochána, members of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and defence solicitors. How law and court cases are reported in the media, also featured with an engaging session with RTÉ’s Legal Affairs correspondent.

During the week the students toured the historical King’s Inns as well as the Four Courts. 

Every morning the students shadowed a barrister in small groups to get a behind the scenes look at life at the Bar.

The highlight of the week included members of the judiciary in the Criminal Courts of Justice, learning more about life on the bench as well as sitting in on trials to understand how a courtroom works and the role a barrister plays in a trial.  A mock trial in Green Street Courthouse served to bring the theory into practice, with the right amount of fun.

The proud students, from 24 counties, including 31 DEIS schools were presented with certificate of participation from the Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Clarke, Chief Justice.

The Bar of Ireland wishes them every success in whatever future careers they choose, and we hope to see some of them returning to the Bar one day as a barrister.

Our sincere thanks to members of the Law Library, King’s Inns staff, colleagues on the bench and staff for their participation in such an important programme.