Green Street Lectures relaunched in audio

24 April 2020

In 2016, under the Chairmanship of now Judge David Barniville, The Bar of Ireland held a series of lectures celebrating the role of the courts and barristers in Irish history.  Held in Green Street Courthouse, the informative talks were delivered by a wide number of legal luminaries and figures; and on topics ranging from Daniel O’Connell, the Piggott Forgeries, to the Maamtrasna Murders.  These lectures are now being brought to a wider audience, in popular format of audio. In the first instalment:  

The Trial of Robert Emmet – Delivered by the late Justice Adrian Hardiman

The 1798 Trials – Delivered by Patrick Gageby SC

Daniel O’Connell: His Life as a Barrister – Delivered by Paul Gallagher SC

‘Engulfed’ – The impact of Independence on the Senior Crown Judiciary – Delivered by Bláthna Ruance SC

The Sedition and Treason Trials of the Young Ireland Movement – Delivered by Hugh Mohan SC

1916: The Legitimacy of the Rising – Delivered by Justice Gerard Hogan

The Pigott forgeries and Russell’s cross examination – Mr. Justice Donal O’Donnell

The Trial of Harry Gleeson – Shane Murphy SC

The Trial of Roger Casement – Michael McDowell SC

The Maamtrasna Murders – Michael L O’ Higgins SC

These podcast episodes can also be found on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Google Podcasts.