The Bar of Ireland welcomed 100 transition students from all over the country last week to participate in our 5 days access all areas Transition Year Programme. Led by Sara Moorhead SC, the programme aims to provide a diverse range of students with access to work experience at the Bar (selected by random lottery) and this year this included students from 28 DEIS schools. Participants enjoyed a packed schedule for the week that included shadowing barristers, a talk from a Judge and Garda, a tour of the Four Courts and King’s Inns, a talk from a legal affairs journalist and a morning of mock trials held in Green Street Courthouse. Feedback from the students has been excellent with many requesting to come back and do the programme all over again! We are very grateful to all of our volunteer barristers, Judges, Gardai, journalists, library and King’s Inns staff who gave so willingly of their time for the week. We were to delighted to welcome RTE to Green Street to film the mock trials and subsequently broadcast a taster of life as a barrister and The Bar of Ireland TY programme to thousands of viewers all across Ireland. Please click here to watch the RTE news2day programme.